Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG)

About us

Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) is an academic association which gathers scientists and experts from Serbia dealing with geometry and graphics in engineering and design professions. SUGIG is founded on the basis of the prior Yugoslav Association of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Ggraphics (JUNGIG), which assembled scientific, professional and teaching staff from throughout the former Yugoslavia.

The Society (JUNGIG) was renamed to the Society for Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics (UNGIG - SCG), in 1997.

Today's name of the Society was adopted at the General Assembly held on 04. 21. 2009. in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Former presidents, in chronological order, were:

The Objectives of the Society

Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) aspires to promote and advance the scientific activity in the fields of geometry (particularly descriptive geometry), engineering and computer graphics, as well as related fields of visual communication. The Society also aims to encourage the development of human resources in order to contribute to the cultural and scientific level of Serbian community through:

Activities of the Society

The organization of scientific conferences with international participation
      - moNGeometrija
Issuing of scientific publications in the field of geometry and graphics
      - Proceedings of moNGeometrija Conferences
Improving education in the field of:

Governing Bodies of the Society

President of the Society SUGIG:
Dr Zorana Jeli, associate professor, Faculty of mechanical engineering in Beograde
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

Članovi upravnog odbora su:
  1. dr Zorana Jeli, associate professor, Faculty of mechanical engineering in Beograde
  2. dr Slobodan Mišić, associate professor, Faculty of Applied Art,University of Arts in Belgrade
  3. dr Vesna Stojaković, associate professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad
  4. dr Branislav Popkonstantinović, full professor, Faculty of mechanical engineering in Belgrade
  5. dr Ratko Obradović, full professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad
  6. dr Radovan Štulić, full professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad
  7. dr Sonja Krasić, associate professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Nis
  8. dr Marija Obradović, associate professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Belgrade
  9. dr Bojan Tepavčević, associate professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad
  10. dr Predrag Šiđanin, full professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad
Vice President:
Secretary of the Association:
Deputy Secretary:
Executive Board:


Adress: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Beograd
Telephone: +381 11 3218 572
President: Zorana Jeli
Website editor: Ratko Obradović
Website designer      
and administrator
Bojan Banjac


27.07.2018. In memoriam

Professor dr Miroslav Marković, long time professor at Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Niš, had passed away



Website created by Bojan Banjac